Soya Paneer (tofu) is a soybean product made from the curd of soymilk, an inexpensive and nourishing. Ideal for a vegan, tofu is rich in proteins, minerals, and calcium, besides being a great substitute for meat. It is rich in minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and selenium. Tofu is versatile and also offers numerous health advantages.
Top health benefits of soy and its products:
- It is a rich source of plant protein that is required for normal functioning of the body especially when you are physically very active (athletes too).
- It contains 9 essential amino acids that are not made by the human body.
- It contains less saturated fat and more polyunsaturated fat (both omega-3 and omega-6) which are healthy fats and helps lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.
- It is naturally cholesterol-free.
- Leads to stronger bones.
- It’s a good substitute for cottage cheese/paneer
- It contains isoflavones which are phytoestrogens and act as a weak estrogen. As a result, it relieves the symptoms of menopause and has protective against breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
- Safe for lactose-intolerant people.
- Great for growing children.
- All in all a very good protein source if taken in moderation and within your calorie limit.